Friday, January 15, 2016

weak in the knees

"Just a glimpse of its cover made me weak in the knees...
and THAT is what we have the great honor of building."  

-Adam Rex 
(upon rediscovering a long forgotten book from childhood)

More news!

I'm feeling a bit weak in the knees, and also a bit like flying these days, with even more news 
to share— 


My first book has found a home! With Namrata Tripathi and Lily Malcolm at Dial Books For Young Readers and I couldn't be more thrilled.

Namrata Tripathi has edited some truly incredible books, including— Gaston, My Cousin Momo, No Fits, Nilson! (a forever favorite in our house), Lulu and the Brontosaurus, Hug Machine, Zombie in Love, Circus Mirandus, and Noggin.  

Lily Malcolm is the Art Director behind most of those books as well as MANY more that I love— Roller Girl, One Cool Friend, Robo-Sauce,  I'll Give You The Sun and The Moon Is Going To Addy's House to name just a few.  I've been fortunate to hear them both speak at SCBWI conferences and am honored to have this chance to work with them.

You can find the official Publishers Weekly announcement (and read about some other amazing books to look forward to) here.



  1. Oh wow! The keepers of the favorites! So happy your babe has found a wonderful home! Congratulations!!

  2. I'm so so excited for your wonderful story to be out in the world soon!! Huge congratulations and many hugs to you!

  3. I can't wait to see the beautiful book!
